About the Designer
MICHELL LLOUVENT is not your average designer. With only 21 years of age, she started a Swimwear and soon to be clothing brand combining high quality and eco friendly fabrics with affordable prices.
With all body shapes in mind to change the swimwear industry. Not just targeting skinny girls and basing her designs for all body types. She wants you to feel your best when you put on her Swimwear and for it to not be a dreadful experience just because you have a different body type then what is expected in our society and media.
Michell has been designing from a young age and has an extensive list of University’s she has attended. Major in fashion design at Central Saint Martins in London. Also Has Multiple diplomas for Marketing, Creative Direction, Styling, and branding. She also studied Graphic Design and design studio at Parsons in New York City.
Michell helps her Home Country Colombia by only manufacturing her designs in Cali Colombia and sourcing fabrics made in Colombia to help create more jobs and opportunities.
All while being a sustainable brand that helps our environment not only by making eco friendly clothes, but also by educating people on how to take care of our planet.
She’s excited to make a positive change, are you ready ?